This article will show you how to adjust your Microsoft Teams channel notifications.
- Open Microsoft Teams
- Select the "Teams" tab on the left-hand side of the window
- Hover your cursor over the channel you would like to adjust the notifications for, and select the three dots as shown in the screenshot below.
Figure #1
4. The window, as shown in Figure #2, will open and show the default settings. By default, the "All new posts" notification setting is set to "Off." This means Teams users are NOT notified of new posts on channels. Also, by default, the "Channel mentions" setting is set to "Banner and feed." This means that if a specific user or the whole Team is mentioned (tagged), the user will be notified with a desktop notification in the bottom right-hand corner of their screen as well as in their Teams Activity feed. To change these settings, proceed to step 5.
Figure #2
5. Select "Off" to change how you are notified as shown below in Figure #3. Select "Banner and feed" to get a desktop notification and also in your Activity feed, select "Only show in feed" to avoid getting desktop notifications, or select "Off" to keep post notifications off. You can adjust the settings for Channel mentions with the same options. Please keep in mind, you will need to adjust these settings for every channel if you want to be notified of new posts.
Figure #3
6. After, choosing the settings that you prefer, select "Save" and you will have completed the actions need to adjust your channel notification settings.