In this article, we'll walk you through creation of your Zoom account. This is the first step to get started teaching using Zoom.

Note: If you already have a Zoom account associated with your MCS email account, the steps shown below will look somewhat different for you. Follow the on-screen instructions to join the school's account.

First, look for an email invitation in your inbox from Zoom. Open the email, and click Activate Your Zoom Account (the wording will be different if you already have an account with your MCS email address).

You will be taken to the Zoom website. Click the Sign in with Google button to create your account using your MCS-issued Google account. This way, you won't have to set up a separate account for Zoom and you'll be able to sign in using your Lion Login credentials (your MCS email address + password). Follow the on-screen instructions to sign in to your MCS Google account and grant Zoom the requested permissions.

Once you've signed in to your MCS Google account, you'll see the Welcome screen as shown below. Click Create Account to continue to your Zoom dashboard.

Now, you'll see the Zoom dashboard. Once you see this screen, you have successfully created your account.

We recommend bookmarking the Zoom dashboard so you can return quickly in the future. To do this, click the Star icon and then click Done.

Congratulations! You've completed the initial steps to set up your Zoom account. Next, you'll configure some additional settings to help use Zoom most effectively in a classroom setting.

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